Thursday, January 3, 2013

20 Questions...Age 4

20 Questions for Madison 2013, Age 4.

1.       What is your favorite color? Blue.
2.      Who is your best friend? Addison.
3.      What is your favorite toy? Princesses and a castle.
4.      What do you want to be when you grow up? Rapunzel.
5.      What is your favorite book? About a princess.
6.      What is your favorite food? Mac n' cheese.
7.      What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with flowers.  And pick one for you, and daddy and my sister Sofia and me.
8.      What is your favorite fruit? Grapes.
9.      What is your favorite show to watch? Max and Ruby.
10.    Where is your favorite place to go in the car? Miss Michelle's house.
11.      What is your favorite sport? I can't pick.
12.     What is your favorite snack? Cookies.
13.     What is your favorite thing to do with mom and dad? Play.
14.     If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Across the street.
15.     What is your least favorite food that I make for you? I can't pick. 
16.     What is your favorite drink? Juice and water...and apple cider.
17.     What is your favorite holiday? I can't pick's too hard.
18.     If you could have any pet, what would it be? A puppy and a kitty.
19.     Which superhero ability would you like to have? You.

20.    Do you enjoy these interviews every year? Yes.

Well here are the same list of questions that I asked Madison last year when she turned 3.  This is such a fun little thing to do...I am so looking forward to seeing how much her answers change or stay the same over the years.  And I am also looking forward to sharing these with her when she gets older too...I do have to say I wish she would like to venture farther than across the street...and I LOVE that she thinks I have super hero powers <3

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Cru's answers this time were much more thoughtful as well. And I am pretty sure you do have superpowers :)
